Imagine Pathways to Possibilities: From Insights to Impact
Health Tech Leadership
Advance human health with effective leadership,innovation,and technology. High Tech Meets Human Health
Digital Health Journey
Apple - Digital health helping?
“I believe, if you zoom out into the future, and you look back, and you ask the question, ‘What was Apple’s greatest contribution to mankind?’ it will be about health,” Tim Cook, CEO Apple
Empower people to live healthier
Innovation using Apple technology to support personal health, research, and care. See below. Amazon CEO on investing/ healthcare - 2 min 2022
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Disruptive Digital Front Door
Amazon Clnic Start with your Heart - 2 min
CES 2022 HealthTech Keynote -
Consumer Electronic's Show - from Las Vegas Jan 22 Will big tech disrupt healthcare?
Digital Health in a Post-Covid World
What is Digital Health? an evolving/emerging definition
Cultural transformation of disruptive health technologies providing accessible/digitally-connected knowledge - empowering health professional relationships with - more shared decision-making and - greater access and democratization of health care Macomber - adapted from Mesko 2017 definition Did you Know???
Career Opportunities created from Digital Disruptions in Healthcare
Aiming Higher - Advance with a grad degree that connects you with 21st century opportunities through relevant faculty and curriculum.
Affordable - Realize value with one of the more affordable programs with scholarships/partnerships Accessible - Learn fully online or on campus in San Diego with personalized adaptable schedules Accelerated - Start next month and complete in just over one year or at your own pace Accomplished - Join a community of faculty, students, and alumni all contributing to the field ![]() Professor Linda Travis Macomber RN BSN MBA
Faculty and Founding Program Director MS Health Informatics Professor Macomber has pioneered and specialized in health informatics, electronic health records, telehealth, and decision support systems since 1984. Since founding the MS Health Informatics graduate program in 2010 at National University based in Ssan Diego, CA, She has developed curriculum, coordinated faculty, and created a virtual health tech discovery lab. From Kaiser Permanente and VA/DOD to innovative start-ups, academic medical centers, Children’s hospitals, and community health centers, her professional and consulting career has taken her to all 50 states and across 5 continents. Holding degrees from the University of Michigan and Northeastern University, Professor Macomber has published and presented widely on innovative health tech practices. What will be your moonshot?
Here is mine ![]()
Linda Travis Macomber Academic CV
Start with a 5 min podcast intro below to this Renaissance.Health collection of curated resources
Reimagine health
"Use technology to make
human moments precious." Mark Milliron
Digital Health Innovations - 15 min
Want to hear more from Daniel Kraft and NextMed?
NextMed conference recordings Hotel Del Coronado March 2022 - Progression - Discover a living-learning lab -Begin with personal health/progress through tabs across the top to humanity's grand challenges.
Home: Purpose, Potential, Progression
CBS News -Telehealth 2021
4 minute video Telehealth - McKinsey Update Did you know?
![]() 21st Century Health Renaissance:
- Add years to lives - Add life to years - Discover how right here, right now with this living learning lab ![]() “Go beyond what you know ->
to who you become.” Linda Travis Macomber
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The company behind the scenes for your health
Promising Practices
Beyond problems/analysis to -> Innoation Mindset, Challenges, Opportunities, Solutions, and Design Thinking
Imagine you are in a digital bookstore exploring what you find interesting. You have the power of freedom of choice within guide rails. You forge your own pathway.
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UCSD Healthcare Innovation
We accelerate the development, implementation and adoption of transformative digital technologies that propel human health forward. “Technology for technology's sake is not that interesting,” “But technology applied in a meaningful way on some of society's largest, biggest problems and challenges to improve the lives of people out there is going to be the most impactful thing.” Satya Nadella
What is Digital Health? - take one moment to explore
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Meet Epic Founder/CEO
Judy Faulkner in interview below The Rise of Health Tech
McKinsey Tech Giiants Invest in Heatlhcare ![]()
Big Tech in Healthcare - Forbes A Moment for Digital Health from the World Economic Forum 10 emerging trends in health IT for 2021 (Beckers)
Here are the major issues facing healthcare in 2021 (HITNews) What will 2021 Look Like? 7 infectious disease experts weigh in (Today) Healthcare digital transformation: 5 predictions for 2021 (CIO) 10 AI Predictions For 2021 (Forbes) How tech is reinventing healthcare (WIRED UK) (Thanks to Daniel Kraft at Exponential Med for the list!) Industry spotlight - oncology & more Where high tech and human health meet Explore the
Epic Health Research Network EHRN EHR Research Network including Covid research Covid-19 and Health Tech Can smarter, more empowering, tech-enabled, and connected healthcare enable progression to a renaissance after the pandemic? - Digital front doors for health - Care that comes to you versus you going to care - Hospital care at home/virtual wards - Helpful decision support - Proactive alerts/action “...There are decades where nothing happens; and then there are weeks when decades happen,” Steven Krein/Unity Stoakes, StartUp Health As the author/editor of this virtual discovery lab, I thank all who have contributed their work online and made this curated collection possible.
Editor/Contact - Professor Linda Travis Macomber School of Health Professions National University San Diego, California, USA Editor/Creator/Author - www.HealthTech Contribute - If you have suggested content to share in this living lab, please send it to [email protected] Click to set custom HTML
Please enjoy the exploration of possibilities and opportunities.
Share the lab with others (with appropriate attribution/references of course)
© 2023 Linda Travis MacomberNeither National University or the editor recommends or endorses any specific products, procedures, opinions, people, or other information mentioned in these applications, resources, web pages.This website is not intended to provide medical/health advice. The information accessed through this website is provided “AS IS” and without any warranties, whether expressed or implied.
All information, content, and materials of this website are for informational purposes only and are not intended to serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a physician or healthcare professional. Note that the reference sources for the lab are based on publicly-posted Internet-based resources. Reference youtube videos source authors can be seen by clicking on the video and going directly to view in youtube.
Please note that do to the nature of this lab linking to extensive content published by others, occasionally you may find a link where the primary author has removed or changed their publications. Yet, the goal here is to provide relevant content and live links is one way to achieve this. So, please do not mind occasional imperfection in pursuit of sharing progress and possibilities.